Inspired By Og Mandino and The Greatest Salesman In The World...
Using a proprietary technology, honed by thousands of hours of research and over 100,000 users, the Habit Finder Profile goes deeper than any other assessment in the world, to measure the very things Og Mandino and the Ten Scrolls have taught us to shift...our habits of thinking!

This data allows us to go below the surface of personality, attitude, aptitude, and tendencies to scientifically measure hidden habits of thinking. Going even deeper, we then explore the cascading effect of specific unhealthy habits and blind spots common to most entrepreneurs and independent thinkers.
Message from...
Dave Blanchard, CEO of The Og Mandino Group and Creator of the Habit Finder
What Is Habit Finder?
Og Mandino inspired millions to look deeper and focus on the most critical key for success, happiness, and peace of mind...our thinking habits. Our thinking habits impact every facet of our lives from our emotional state to the decisions we make, the action we take, and ultimately the results we create.

The Habit Finder Profile is where technology, science, and intuition collide to help you go deep below the surface and discover your hidden habits of thinking that may be sabotaging your success.
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